any other airport. he was unable to get it off the ground. he clipped an airport terminal before taking his own life. we are having a much rougher time than ever getting employment now. so get to work, mr. chairman. the defense minister is dead in syria after bombers attacked a cabinet meeting in damascus. a man shot the suspects. both of them were later arrested. and a small colorado town. a six-foot monitor lizard is on the loose. if i ran into him, i d be freaked out. all that topples into the crowd, and he makes the catch. yes! inside of a boston subway system. this didn t work out too well for this woman. and all that matters it wouldn t be a pit bull. my birds have pedigrees. we have papers for them. pigeons. on cbs this morning. 37-year-old marissa mayer, the newly named yahoo ceo, announced she is six months pregnant. apparently, she was able to hide her pregnancy by only posting it on yahoo. welcome to cbs this morning. we be
first we begin with today s eye-opener. your world in 90 seconds. president obama attacks success and, therefore, under president obama we have less success and i will change that. mitt romney tries to get back on message. campaign co-chairman johnson is getting blasted by democrats for what they see as over the line remarks. i wish this president would learn how to be an american. mitt romney doubles down. refusing again to release more of his tax returns. romney actually did back in 2008 mccain took one look at him and said, you know what, i m going with the crazy moose lady instead. security scare involving a stolen plane. the pilot scaled the razor wired security fence before driving off with a jet. somebody could jump the fence like he did. i don t think we re any more vulnerable than any other airport. he was able to engage the engines but unable to get it off ground. he took his own life. we re having a rougher time than we imagined getting unemployme
i think perhaps it would be enormously unwise for conservatives or any policy makers not to think comprehensively about the framework of their actions. my experience in things i have done if you want to get something done, you are much more likely to fix no child left behind than you are to abolish the department of education. your comprehensive attitude might be the latter, but if you want to end two or three years with a result it will be the former. this has been a fascinating opportunity for me. i thank the hudson institute and thank all of you for coming. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] if i had to put my money on a likely outcome, it would be that peace in iraq and it might be a very harsh peace, is likely ultimately to be imposed once aga again. we have to hope if that does happen, the new ruler, the new dictator, will be a lot more benign than saddam hussein. john burns on the futur