allies which face exactly the o same problem with china. we ve done nothing to coordinate a strategy with europe and with the pacific region in terms of dealing with china, particularly on intellectual property. chris: i want to switch to another big story and that is immigration and president trump s decision to send up to 4,000 members of the national guard to the southern border to guard that border. he talked at one point about a caravan of about 1,000 people coming up through mexico to the united states. here he is. yesterday it came out where this journey coming up, women are raped at levels thatit nobody s ever seen before. they don t want to mention that. so we have to change our laws and the democrats what they re doing is just it s insanity. chris: under questioning the white house ended up having to cite reports of incidents of rape with another caravan back in 2014. but what about the larger issue and what about the president s
is different from any other president doing it, quite frankly. chris: let s turn to the midterms. president trump says your party is vulnerable in november. here he is. democrats haven t learned, they still think the loyal citizens who care about jobs and borders and security are deplorable. chris: how confident are you that democrats will win in november and take back control of the house? we re a long way from november. let s be clear about that. i m confident the american people want to bring balance back to the united states government. what they see right now is republicans in charge of the presidency, the senate and the house and some would argue the supreme court. every branch of the government seems to be controlled by republicans. chris: that was what voters decided. they have an opportunity here to change course and correction. that s the beauty of our democracy. the house of representatives, every member is up for election this year and a third of the senate. so
rhodes scholar. then 11 years helping run the gates and walmart foundations. chris: how does it feel to see so much of the obama legacy including obamacare rolled by by president trump. at there will be people who actually die who can t afford the care along the way. this has real world consequences. chris: she embraces her new role, including guest coach of the women s basketball team. it s all part of seeing a.u. as a town and she always mayor. meeting the students who have so much energy, excitement and passion. that s an incredible gift every day. chris were she had no experience in academia as a professor or
it s shocking to me that you will make excuses for what you said were lisa jackson had a $155,000 trip to china. she spent by the way on security much less. scott pruitt spent three times as much. he has alarms and red flashing things and add askin and askinge people to get through d.c. traffic. it s ridiculous, for a drain the swamp administration. chris: i want to focus on the breaking story today and that is what appears to be a poison gas attack on a rebel-held suburb outside of damascus.b there are reports that dozens of people may have been killed and even more were hit by this. the president has begun to tweet on this subject today and i hope we ll put up one tweet. many dead including women and children in mindless chemical
decision to send border rather national guard to the border. this man prom placed t promia wall that would be paid for by mexico. that hasn t happened. some people are asking what happened to your pledge to build a wall. border crossings are at a 45 plus year low. we saw the tick-up in the month of march. that s not representative of the long-term here. the long-term is in fact that terms of border crossings from mexico, they too are at net zero migration. this is the reality. but what you have is most illegals in this country have overstayed visas. they haven t run through any wall or snuck under a wall or jumped over a wall. chris: there s no wall. there are walls in places that we think. it s not as if we haven t done anything about border security. the caravan, the caravan s been coming up, it s an easter require walritualfor the last f.