Dispensaries could lead to panhandling, odors and worse, and the city wanted no part. The council wanted everyone to know this is a hard stance against the sale of marijuana, City Attorney Chris Ditkas said at the time.
But Garfield has changed its tune.
Councilman Joseph Delaney said council members felt it was important to consider, because the tax incentives would benefit the city. If it is something we can do, we’d like it,” he said.
Garfield is far from the only municipality taking a second look at marijuana sales. Upper Saddle River, North Haledon, Chatham Township, Oakland and Clifton, among others, have the issue on upcoming agendas.
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Good Friday morning!
It’s been a rough week for the Democratic establishment-backed ticket in District 37. First Palisades Park Mayor Christopher Chung dropped out of the Assembly after a scathing Comptroller’s Office report on his town’s governance. Then Assembly candidate Alexandra Soriano-Taveras dropped out over her comments about boycotting businesses on Teaneck’s Cedar Lane.