one where we return to the top-down policies that crashed our economy. [booing] don t boo, wisconsin. vote. or, a future . jon: don t boo, wisconsin vote. that fits right in with the discussion we re about to hold. the two candidates really on both sides seem to be tailoring their campaign just a bit. if you like to hear the president as he continues his remarks in green bay, wisconsin, you can do so. we have it streaming live on meantime let s talk to tucker carlson, editor of the daily caller , fox news contributory. chris comean has, former chief of staff to west virgina senator joe manchin. about the tone of this campaign, you have heard both candidates sort of easing off the rhetoric, easing off especially the attacks on the other guy. we just heard the president say we ll thrive in this new
yeah, that was my reaction. bumps in road? we had an ambassador assassinated. we had a muslim brotherhood elect, member elected to the presidency of egypt. 20,000 people have been killed in syria. we have tumult in pakistan. and of course iran is that much closer to having the capacity to build a nuclear weapon. these are not bumps in the road. these are human lives. these are developments we do not want to see. jon: joining us now for a fair and balanced debate about all this, nancy pfotenhauer, president of media speaks strategies and former senior policy advisor for john mccain s campaign in 2008. chris comean has, former chief of staff to west virgina senator joe manchin. chris, this president is known for his or tore call skills. he is former law professor. he is a guy who knows the meaning of the words and to say we have had bumps in the road after four americans were killed, isn t that a major misstep?
requirements, not reporting requirements. jon: it didn t seem to make, sense, chris, you tell welfare recipients, okay, you don t have to work anymore. that is not what the president has been suggesting. i mean, if you look actually the facts and, you know in terms of wrong romney s attacks are, what president obama is trying to do is actually provide the same kind of flexibility that governor romney asked for when he was governor. in fact it doesn t minimize or reduce requirements. it actually increases requirements, to get the waiver, you actually have to hit a goal of 20% more jobs, 20% more employment. so these kind of ad homonym attacks based on nothing but a kind of skewed perspective by the romney campaign i understand. it is politics. but it is completely irrespective of the facts. jon: well, governor romney is said that the president is trying to water down the work requirements. here is what he had to say.
chris comean has, former chief of staff to west virgina senator, joe manchin. welcome to both of you. the impression, mary katherine, president obama with the stroke of a pen undid what president clinton and the congress got together to today back in 1996. am i wrong? yeah, the fact he did undo a lot of that and states can make different decisions now based on this waiver but the basic idea, look he didn t actually have the authority to do this. the obama administration enjoys doing things with stroke of a pen maybe not legally it is supposed to do. the 1996 law was built on great bipartisan consensus the things that obama supports allegedly. yet now after they had the fights and hard-fought consensus he says we re not doing that anymore. i think they re trying to clean up a mess after the fact now. this is 80% issue with folks, with americans to have work connected to welfare. and now they re saying oh, we didn t do that but they did. they specifically cited that they wanted to waiv
that is not true. it is absolutely false. jon: let s hear it from the governor and we ll get back to you. i want state flexibility to craft programs in a way that is best for each state. this idea that the federal government telling states what to do in my opinion is the wrong way to go. but my, my focus is on increasing work requirements, not eliminating them. what the president is doing is saying we re going to take out the requirement for work. it s a big mistake. jon: you disagree with that, chris? no, i don t disagree with the point what he is saying but the fact is that is what president obama is trying to do. he is giving states the flexibility, not every state will qualify. not every state will be granted a waiver. the goal is to hit 20% more employment to make sure people who are on welfare are actually getting better jobs, more jobs. that i think is a goal everyone can be supportive of. jon: go ahead. when governors ask for flexibility in the past they specifically as