designer in maryland, 7% of all full-time employees there earned more than governor o malley $150,000 salary. coburn says the figures should prompt congress to take a closer look at salaries but a union representing federal employees says the bigger problem is payment to contractors. democrats are crying foul over new jersey governor chris chrisie s use of state helicopter to attend his son s high school baseball game. christie and his wife landed in a nearby field before the game tuesday night. they stayed through the fifth inning. later christie had dinner with g.o.p. donors from iowa. who were courting him for a presidential run. a state democrat told the star ledger perhaps his presidential quarters can foot the bill so our taxpayers aren t on the hook for such perks. state officials say it costs $2,500 an hour to fly in the helicopter but the trip didn t
librarians and one interior designer in maryland, 7% of all full-time employees there earned more than governor o malley $150,000 salary. coburn says the figures should prompt congress to take a closer look at salaries but a union representing federal employees says the bigger problem is payment to contractors. democrats are crying foul over new jersey governor chris chrisie s use of state helicopter to attend his son s high school baseball game. christie and his wife landed in a nearby field before the game tuesday night. they stayed through the fifth inning. later christie had dinner with g.o.p. donors from iowa. who were courting him for a presidential run. a state democrat told the star ledger perhaps his presidential quarters can foot the bill so our taxpayers aren t on the hook for such perks. state officials say it costs $2,500 an hour to fly in the
multiculturalism. sarkozy, cameron, merkel. you have the police in france saying look we d rather be chasing criminals. this is preversely reassuring to know this is not the only country where the politicians run around with solutions in search of a problem. i don t think banning it is the issue. this is an overreach but understandable overreach. this is an understandable overreach. bret: okay. the final topic. dark horse in g.o.p. potential field for 2012. chris chrisie is the obvious choice. people are on the verge we are on economic ruin if we re not
going to get serious of entitlement reform. if they take them at their word why not them? are they not willing to do it? don t they have an obligation to run for president? i argue they do. chris christie says he is not running and we should take him at his word but there is plenty of time for someone to get in the race. even going in the fall there is plenty of time. people like mitch daniels are making up their mind and taking their time. bret: indiana governor. charles? rare for a party that doesn t have the white house to have a leader. the republicans are the ryan republicans. whether he will run for presidency, i think he should later in the year. if he doesn t, mitch daniels who believes what ryan does and put action in indiana would be a good sir gait.
sarkozy, cameron, merkel. you have the police in france saying look we d rather be chasing criminals. this is preversely reassuring to know this is not the only country where the politicians run around with solutions in search of a problem. i don t think banning it is the issue. this is an overreach but understandable overreach. this is an understandable overreach. bret: okay. the final topic. dark horse in g.o.p. potential field for 2012. chris chrisie is the obvious choice. people are on the verge we are on economic ruin if we re not going to get serious of