A trio of ballot measures slated for this November could increase the accessibility of alcohol to shoppers in Colorado. If passed by voters, ballot initiatives 121, 122 and 96 would, respectively, allow grocery stores and.
The Colorado Restaurant Association on Tuesday threw its support behind a ballot measure seeking to legalize alcohol delivery by third-party companies.
“This will put everybody out of business. Every small liquor store depends on wine sales to keep their lights on,” Loren Touch of Gunbarrel Liquors in Gunbarrel said, referring to
The other day when I went to the grocery store, I saw a young man collecting signatures for a ballot initiative. This issue was put together by a group called Wine in Grocery Stores and.
Two weeks after Silverthorne Town Council approved a new comprehensive plan that focuses on putting locals first, council members met during a work session dedicated to addressing short-term rental regulations. Currently, there are 220 short-term.