The County of San Luis Obispo Public Libraries are participating in the American Library Association's annual Banned Books Week from Oct. 1 through Oct. 7.
San Luis Obispo County Library Foundation donated $100,000 for new library materials to the County of San Luis Obispo Public Libraries on June 21 at the Dallidet Adobe and Gardens in San Luis Obispo.
The public libraries of San Luis Obispo County have brought back their bookmobiles, which will drive around providing outreach to children and adults in the county who don’t have access to a local library.
On this episode, you'll learn about the Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center. Also, Agenda Breakdown's Kim Bisheff speaks with Cal Poly's Mike Latner about the upcoming election. The UCSB Library has the most extensive collection of early recordings on the West Coast. Finally, there are some changes at the San Luis Obispo County Library system.