User reports estimate the perceived ground shaking intensity according to the MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) scale.
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chorrera, costa verde (101.3 km SW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rattling, vibrating / 10-15 s :
estaba sentado y derrepente se empezo a moEr la silla, no estaba seguro de que era, asi que me levante y toque la puerta, y efetivamente, se estaba moiendo la puerta igual, y un par de objetos mas de mi escritorio, como el monitor y tele | One user found this interesting.
110 km SW of epicenter [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating :
Panama Announces New COVID-19 Restrictions Taking Effect December 18, 2020
Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre announced during a December 15th, 2020 press conference new measures that will be put in place starting December 18th with the goal of slowing the spread of COVID-19 in Panama during the upcoming holiday season. The health officials claim that the gradual re-opening of the economy during the last few months, coupled with recent social gatherings during the November
Fiestas Patrias holidays and Mother’s Day, have lead to an amount of transmission that jeopardizes the parameters of Panama’s current re-opening plan.
“We must break the chain of infection” reads the title of the slide in Spanish.