was, for her, such an important way to close a chapter, a very painful chapter. not long after a more personal chop ter was about to close with her mother dorothy. she was such a great support to me during my entire life but she lived with us the last ten years of her life so she was just there every day, and she gave me a lot of good feedback and advice. on november 1st, 2011, dorothy rodham passed away. when hillary was traveling as secretary of state, she d leave the light on on the piano and wait for her to come home. the first time she went away after her mom died and she was coming back from a trip, i know she was upset about coming home to the house without her mom there.
great point about if something happens in one state the other states can say it wasn t us. greece should change its name to new germany. what does that have to make with the great point steve made. no one will know it is greece and how screwed up they are. they are really screwed up. but now it is new germany. germany is in better shape than grease economically. comically. people say, new germany, that s not so bad. i know that is not curling, can you dpol my logic? acorn s maryland chop ter shutdown with no plans to rebrand under a different name. but they are meeting at a carls junior. really? yeah. it is a lot of fun. joe, greg did not get your p.diddy joke. joe or jill? joe. we are not having you two on the same show.