SINGAPORE, Dec. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ Neeuro, a Singapore tech start-up and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A STAR) spinoff, and the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) launched Cogo as a complementary home-based attention training programme this month. This solution aims to improve inattentiveness in children aged 6 to 12 years through a 24-session guided game that is paired with Neeuro's EEG headband "SenzeBand 2". A child going through the Cogo Attention Training Program paired with Neeuro's EEG SenzeBand Cogo is a patented and scientifically validated digital therapeutic programme that aims to equip parents with an evidence-backed tool that is efficacious in improving their children's attention challenges. The non-invasive ADHD intervention programme was the subject of a large scale randomised clinical trial funded by the National Medical Research Council (NMRC), led by Principal Investigator Associate Professor Lee Tih Shih, from Duke-NUS Medical S
Corporal punishments in school. Ask any adult and most likely you'd receive a reply with an anecdote of what discipline was like in the olden days, including being caned in front of the entire school, impromptu haircuts by discipline masters and standing on tables and chairs. Last week, forum writer Sherman Prescott Shotam wrote in to the Straits Times pointing.