Manufacturing, polymers and chemicals, Financial Services number two in property and casualty in the country. Theres nothing thats happening more exciting than in the area of it. Aerospace, where were now beginning to work in the dayton area thinking about being able to fly unmanned vehicles. In the area of agribusiness and, of course, energy, which has us all excited, and logistics. You see, if you have many different areas that you target, when one part of the economy goes down, it doesnt mean it sinks your state. And so jobsohio has been able to work to diversify us and its clearly working. And now that were funded, we think were even going to get more out of jobs ohio than weve seen so far. We also moved directly in the direction of common sense regulations. Mary taylor mary, stand up our Lieutenant Governor of the state of ohio. Marys husband, marys husband is a Small Businessman. He knows about the regulations and how they can kill Small Businesses, particularly the smallest busi
Kurt Kondrich shares with Inside how he and his daughter Chloe are working to ensure babies with Down syndrome enjoy the ultimate inclusion: the right to life.
If everyone knew someone like Chloe, a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome would no longer be a death sentence. It would be an announcement that another person who has a unique ability to be joyful, loving, and kind while simultaneously encouraging others to be more joyful, loving, and kind themselves is entering the world. What a lucky world.