The invasion of Ukraine led to unexpectedly large Russian casualties Russia had to conscript more medical personnel to provide their troops with adequate, at least by low Russian standards, medical care The unexpected conscription of medical personnel
Some things never change in Russia and one item is medical care Russia never was able to establish a nationwide healthcare system and military health system comparable to those found in the west This was especially true in the military Russian medical
Some things never change in Russia and one item is medical care Russia never was able to establish a nationwide healthcare system and military health system comparable to those found in the west This was especially true in the military Russian medical
Over the last two decades, emergency medicine, administered by civilian EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) or military combat medics has made huge strides Now the new medical tech is coming to band aids or bandages for people with minor bleeding injur
Over the last two decades, emergency medicine, administered by civilian EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) or military combat medics has made huge strides Now the new medical tech is coming to band aids or bandages for people with minor bleeding injur