Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Days after a cleric was arrested in Rajasthan s Ajmer over a provocative video in which he was purportedly seen giving a threat to suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, Haji Syed Salman Chishty, Gaddi Nashin-Dargah Ajmer Sharif and the Chairman of Chishty Foundation in Ajmer on Sunday denounced the provocative statements and said those who said these slogans of violence, death and destruction are the real culprits. India News | Chishty Foundation Clarifies over Arrest of Cleric, Says He is Not Connected with Dargah Ajmer Sharif.
Haji Sayed Salman Chishty, a Sufi at Ajmer Dargah, expressed his anguish after reports mistakenly used his picture to represent Salman Chishti, Khadim of Ajmer Dargah who was arrested for allegedly giving a provocative statement against suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma.
Days after a cleric was arrested in Rajasthan s Ajmer over a provocative video in which he was purportedly seen giving a threat to suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, Haji Syed Salman Chishty, Gaddi Nashin-Dargah Ajmer Sharif and the Chairman of Chishty Foundation in Ajmer on Sunday denounced the provocative statements and said those who said these slogans of violence, death and destruction are the real culprits.