Historical, as far as i understand, yes, yeah, then ill allow myself, well, just, well, 30 seconds or one minute, a little historical background, dont you mind . Look how our relations began with ukraine, where ukraine came from, the fragmented russian state became easy prey for the empire that chingez khan and his successors once created, came to russia, plundered almost all the cities, ruined them, the southern part , where kiev was, by the way, some other cities, they simply lost independence, the southern part of the russian lands, including kiev, it began to gradually reach out to another magnet, to the center that was taking shape in europe, it was the lithuanian, grand duchy of lithuania, initially the word ukrainian meant that. Lives on the outskirts of the state at the edge or engaged in the border service, in fact, this did not mean any special ethnic group. Well, the poles did everything they could to polish and, in principle, treated this part of the russian lands quite har