XUANCHENG, May 18 (Xinhua) The Chinese alligator, also known as the Yangtze alligator, has lived on earth for over 200 million years. It is a first-class pro
Updated: 6:40 PM CDT May 12, 2021
MEMPHIS, Tennessee
These rare and precious alligators are native to Eastern China in the lower section of the Yangtze River. It is the only species of the alligator family that lives outside of the Americas and it is different from its American cousin in a few distinct ways. Much smaller than the American Alligator, the Chinese Alligator will only grow to about five feet long and has a more robust head. They also have unique bony plates on their bellies, called osteoderms, that the American alligators do not have.
Bonnie and Clyde joined our reptile house family in October 2020 when they were only one year old. Like many other reptiles, our Chinese Alligators only eat a couple times a week and are currently being fed crickets and small mice to help them grow into big and strong adults. The two are acclimating well to their new home and enjoying life in the Herpetarium.