Following is an edited transcript of a live event hosted at Asia Society New York on December 17, 2015, “ChinaFile Presents: The New Yorker On China.” (The full video appears above.) The evening, introduced by Asia Society President Josette Sheeran, convened the writers Jiayang Fan, Peter Hessler, Evan Osnos, Zha Jianying, and Orville Schell for a look back at their four
Earlier this month, photographer Tim Franco visited Asia Society to show his work from Chongqing, a city of more than 25 million where he has been reporting since 2009. Many of the images Franco showed appear in his latest book, Metamorpolis (Pendant Ce Temps, 2015), a culmination of his years photographing the people, landscape, and explosive construction of Chongqing.
Veteran Hong Kong political leaders Anson Chan and Martin Lee describe some of the core values such as freedom of the press that they seek to maintain as Beijing asserts greater control over the territory seventeen years after Britain handed it back to China on the condition that universal suffrage (one man, one vote) be granted by 2017. Chan and Lee spoke to a public audience
ChinaFile and the U.S.-Asia Law Institute of NYU School of Law co-hosted a discussion with historian Rian Thum and journalists Gulchehra Hoja of Radio Free Asia and James Palmer of Foreign Policy on the human rights crisis in the far-western region of Xinjiang. Panelists described the historical context for the current mass incarcerations and the scale and pervasiveness of the
Is this a new model? Is authoritarian capitalism, Leninist capitalism, something that has durability? Have the rules changed about how countries develop? That used to be, remember, that open markets led ineluctably to open societies. How does it stack up against the liberal, sort of democratic model of the West, which we have grown up with and believed, actually, was a kind of