Chinese journalist Dong Yuyu, a longtime writer and a Harvard University fellow known for his sharp observations on Chinese society, has been arrested on charges of espionage, according to his family.
When Chinese law professor Xu Zhangrun began publishing articles last year criticizing the government’s turn toward a harsher variety of authoritarianism, it seemed inevitable that he would be swiftly silenced. But then, remarkably, dozens of prominent citizens began speaking up. Some signed a petition, others wrote essays and poems in Xu’s support, and one wrote a song. To
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) Los Angeles expects to boost stronger trade ties with Shanghai and other parts of China through the fifth China International I
On July 29, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communisty Party announced it was investigating ex-security czar Zhou Yongkang “on suspicion of grave violations of discipline.” Zhou, who retired from the Politburo Standing Committee in 2012, is the first member of that body, the Party’s elite inner circle, to face such an inquest for corruption and