A young Ukrainian woman, who is an internet sensation in her country, has discovered that artificial intelligence-manipulated versions of her videos – which present her as being Russian – are being used for commercial purposes in China.
Chinese are debating a superstitious belief that the coming lunar year will bode badly for marriages, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs is paying attention.
A bridegroom and his family in China have shunned the traditional marriage custom in which the man pays the woman’s family a “bride price” that ranges from US$1,400 to US$138,000, boldly displaying their decision on a placard.
A mother in China who forced her son into marriage by threatening to kill herself if he did not had to watch as his relationship dissolved within six months of tying the knot.
As the second-largest global economy experiences a deceleration, a growing number of individuals are choosing to remain unmarried. This decision is driven by limited job opportunities in the face of high youth unemployment and persistently low consumer confidence. Consequently, there has been a notable decline in marriage registrations, reaching a record low in 2022.