began coverage on shares of China Jo-Jo Drugstores (NASDAQ:CJJD – Free Report) in a research report released on Friday morning. The firm issued a sell rating on the stock. China Jo-Jo Drugstores Price Performance CJJD opened at $0.30 on Friday. China Jo-Jo Drugstores has a 52-week low of $0.27 and a 52-week high of […] assumed coverage on shares of China Jo-Jo Drugstores (NASDAQ:CJJD – Free Report) in a research note released on Thursday morning. The brokerage issued a sell rating on the stock. China Jo-Jo Drugstores Trading Up 5.4 % Shares of CJJD stock opened at $0.32 on Thursday. The business’s fifty day moving average is $0.38 and […] began coverage on shares of China Jo-Jo Drugstores (NASDAQ:CJJD – Free Report) in a report issued on Wednesday. The brokerage issued a sell rating on the stock. China Jo-Jo Drugstores Stock Performance China Jo-Jo Drugstores stock traded up $0.01 during midday trading on Wednesday, reaching $0.29. The company’s stock had a trading volume of […] began coverage on shares of China Jo-Jo Drugstores (NASDAQ:CJJD – Free Report) in a research report released on Wednesday morning. The brokerage issued a sell rating on the stock. China Jo-Jo Drugstores Stock Up 4.0 % Shares of China Jo-Jo Drugstores stock traded up $0.01 during trading on Wednesday, reaching $0.29. The company’s stock […] started coverage on shares of China Jo-Jo Drugstores (NASDAQ:CJJD – Free Report) in a research report sent to investors on Sunday morning. The brokerage issued a sell rating on the stock. China Jo-Jo Drugstores Price Performance NASDAQ CJJD opened at $0.39 on Friday. The company’s fifty day simple moving average is $0.57 and its […]