report on lawrence-lightfoot was essentially the first black woman to lead a major city. may aurally lawsie.- yeah, first person to lead identity politics. that s why they lost. it is n so it s not who presided over a crime to control. s he s non ae of that. it s the first is a failure.d and she deserved to lose. and they fired her. hav yeah, that s how this is thesay, people ultimately have their say. hannity awesome, awesome news.e see you tomorrow night. have a grea and thank you. and we ll see you tomorrow night. all right. have a great show, as always, florida. all right. everyone there. i m laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington. tonight. we do have a fox news alert. just moments ago, the newly formed house select committee on china wrapped up its firstit hearing. in and in jusnat a few moments, we re going to talk to two republicans on that committee. a but first, we go live to capitol hill, where fox newsw senior congressional corresponden
or how about our border? i mean, this is outrageous. we ve alread t over one hundred billion already spit out the door on ukraine. now the administrationthe wants to spend hundreds of billions of dollars more and i guess congress thinks that they ll just go along with ithink thh t i tell you, i m not going to go along with it. and the american people, itthink, are sick and tire thid that it s time to put the needs of this country first.s, it s time to say to th ep up europeans they need to step up and take the lead on ukraine. this is their continenraine.t, e all. they should be doing something. but, laura , we ve spent more on ukraine than all of the europeans combined, and there s no end in sight here with joe biden. this has got to end and we vegoo got to get an accounting of every single penny that we have spent on ukraine. spent l, senator , speaking of ons chinaccounting, this china g tonight on capitol hill, some of the democrats, public some republicans, while they talk tough o
the removal of title. forty two . they re still expecting those swells to come imoval ofxpectin i spoke today to vice president of the national borderesident patrol council hv the rio grande valley. chris cabrera,al and he saidd ts those people that are coming in right now aren t just the people that are being held back from title 40 two, but these are people t that aren t being held back from china.g forty two people from venezuela, peoplhelde from cuba, people from afghanistan, people from pakistan. i want you pakistawant you to tn to what he had to say. . i mean, based on what you ve seen in the last few years, how much of a difference is it removeto be to remove title t40 to i mean, if if we re already seeing these numbers,mbb is it just is it just going to be more of the same or far worse? it s going to be far worse. w right now, we have certainunde people that we can send back under title 40 to, but but there are certain countries thatere are can t be sent backr title 42 .42 and
john kirby is supposed to bet an adult. he comes on fox news. resig hen he should resign his job tonight. thathoul should ashamed of himsf that he is a mouthpiece fors this grotesque policy. and i hope that he has enough dignity and self respecttucker to resign. w e need a republic and wey also need republicans. tuckerspeaki the, who are finalr speaking the truth about this issue. e noand are not beholden to the investment banks on the multilateral corporationn that are continuing to fundgime this military regime. aand dictatorship in china.g we see what they re doing and it is horrific. tucke i agree with that completely. laura ingraham, great to see you tonight. thanks. good to see you, tucker. thanks. so john ratcliffe knows more than almost any living american about what china.s the actually happening in china. he was the director of national intelligence under the lasthe fw waministration, and he has longv warned he has been one oshft the few voices in washington to point
The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog says there will be more consultations this week and next on his calls for Ukraine and Russia to agree to a safety zone around Ukraine’s Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant