your hair amendment. another eliminates cash for chimpanzee breeding. darrell issa has also introduced the really? of amendments. one goes that no amendment goes to studying the effects of hot flashes during menopause. and no studies may be used to study the current and separate use of malt liquor and marijuana in young adults, concurrent and separate. his language, not ours. we ve heard their better together. just heard that on the street. but the amendment that whins our prize, the proposal to eliminate funding for the president s teleprompter. you know, he s going to be here all week, folks. try the veal. your congress at work. republicans are maybe regretting the whole open amendment process. but bring them on, keep them
we haven t operated this way in probably a decade. but i think it s encouraging, so you can air out these issues and people can have a cans to speak on them and to represent their constituents in the debate. so you give him credit for this more open process. i guess that raises the question, why didn t speaker pelosi have such a process? i don t know. but the point is, this is where we are now. and the fact of the matter is, this is a way of appropriations. this was shut down you know i mean, you can go back and forth, so is your uncle, but gingrich sort of shut down the appropriations process and then it deteriorated from there on. all right. congressman george miller, one of the longtime members of congress, i don t say how longtime. we ll see you at the white house later today they keep me up this late at night, i won t be here that much longer. congressman miller, good to have you. thank you. thank you. up next, from hot flashes to motorcycle helmets to chimpa