this misery. i ve seen fire and i ve seen rain. i ve seen sunny days and i thought they d never end. gutfeld: this is one of those times when i envy marlee matlin sort of the actual terrorists are smart funny story. after 21 years, which is roughly how long it takes the president to, it appears the pentagon is open to the plea deal with the five masterminds behind 9/11 in exchange for a for life sentences the five will drop all appeals and agreed to substantial sentences in american prisons. or they get to choose what s behind door number two. you turned down. gutfeld: that s what al qaeda calls a couple of bodies. and even better, they are. at least that s what they claimed on goat tinder. but what timing. they re making deals with the 9/11 hijackers when we knew we would be distracted with 9/11 rated and then the head of the department of homeland security is creating new terrorists using the 21st anniversary to a great american s with the hijackers. the t
Robert mueller. In his take home forms that his lawyers filled out for him. Yes, and it just continues and the Court Battles involving tax returns, chief Justice Roberts provided a stay for a few days which was really people overplayed that yesterday. That was administrative decision, but a lot coming at this president. A lot coming at this president , and i think a lot coming at the Republican Party this morning. Ari, the testimony of Colonel Vindman, the crossexamination will be interesting to see how far they go in trying to Demean Vindman in front of a national tv audience. I think that is a precarious place for them and if you want to put aside the obvious ethics of it, that these are people
that serve, diplomatic or military, there is also a a problem with going against a witness when is there are not many facts known to the witness. So if you want to look bad by exploding someone. It doesnt buy you much if two or three other people can basically testify to the same material. I t
to explain why the writer should stay home? vivek: receiving this and other industries to. engineering firms. coming to see someone on a zoom screen, i could see someone from another country and assume screen. at the end of day, we say, you got to come in. but then you can t outsource to europe and asia because of a time zone issue on zoom. but the work harder for lesser pay. so you can see outsourcing. the irony though is that the very people who will complain about the outsourcing were the people demanding the remote work policy in the first place. i m a chill writer of course i have a chapter on this in my new book.
sole monda solomon. since they switched from russia to ukraine, solomon has reported on bur reese made, hunter biden and now it is in-vipt for the democratic narrative and so the media is furiously smearing and libelling solomon. in fact the publication the hill told its staff yesterday that it would conduct a review of solomon s ukraine reporting. and this is just three days after a democrat on this committee told a hill writer that she would stop speaking to the hill because it had run solomon s stories. and she urged the writer to relay her concerns to the hill s management. so now that solomon s reporting is a problem for the democrats, it is a problem for the media as well. i d like to submit for the record john solomon s october 31 story entitled debunking some of
investigative journalist john solomon. democrats switched from russia to ukraine for their impeachment crusade, solomon s reporting on burisma, hunter biden and ukraine election meddling has become inconvenient for the democratic narrative. the media is furiously smearing and library elling solman. the publication the hill told its staff yesterday it would conduct a review of solomon s ukraine reporting. the decision comes three days after a democrat on this committee told a hill writer that she would stop speaking to the hill because it had run solomon s stories. and she urged the writer to relay her concerns to hill s management. now that solomon s reporting is a problem for the democrats, it is a problem for the media as well. like to submit for the record john solomon s october 31st story entitled, debunking some