A Timeline of Major World Events in 2020 [Pictures]
2020 will be remembered in the history books as one of the worst years. The COVID-19 pandemic shook the world to its core as people all over the world were impacted and they were forced to follow SOPs, practice social distancing, and limit human interaction.
The COVID-19 pandemic might be the most important event of the year, but it was not the only one. We almost witnessed World War 3 at the start of the year, the Black Lives Matter movement was at an all-time high, and a state of emergency was imposed in many Asian and African countries due to massive locust attacks.
Coronavirus Reaches The Coldest Place on Earth
The coronavirus has breached the shores of Antarctica, the only continent that had not recorded any infections until today.
The Chilean Armed Forces stationed at the Chilean Antarctic Territory reported infections during this week as health officials and soldiers cleared out a remote research station to contain them.
As per sources close to the military, at least 36 people have contracted the virus at the Bernardo O’Higgins base. Reportedly, 26 army personnel and 10 private company officials have been quarantined at the base.
A military spokesperson stationed at the base stated that all base personnel “are already properly isolated and constantly monitored” by healthcare workers in the Magallanes area of the Chilean Patagonia. So far, no complications have been reported among the infected personnel.
COVID 19 now covers entire globe as first cases reported in Antarctica
36 people have tested positive for the virus at Chile’s armed forces base in Antarctica.
By Hanie Abdul Razak| Published: 23rd December 2020 3:17 pm IST
The coronavirus has now reached every continent of the earth as Chile’s armed forces announced this Monday that 36 people have tested positive for the virus at its Gen Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme Antarctic base. They said the positive cases include 26 army personnel and 10 civilians of a maintenance contract company.
Afterwards, on Tuesday, the Health Minister for the Biobio region said there are 21 personnel on a navy supply vessel headed to Antarctica called the Sergeant Aldea that tested positive.