Christopher Paul Curtis has received the 2024 Coretta Scott King – Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement. The award was announced Jan. 22 during the Youth Media Awards at the American Library Association’s (ALA) LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience, held Jan. 19–22.
Amazon Introduces Humanoid Robot To Help Employees With Mundane Tasks has 3 reviews and 0 ratings. Reviewer summer beach wrote: "That sounds cool, but I bet it is also getting rid of a lot of human jobs since the robots don t need to be payed."
Peregrine Lunar Lander Burns Up After Failed Mission has 1 review and 0 ratings. Reviewer insanemodeaiger wrote: "Yikes. This is scary, and not good. One reason why it is not good is because lets say they try to do it again, and the craft suffers a fuel leak, but this time, there could be a risk of a bigger fuel leak. Its crash landing won t just be any crash la."
Female Bottlenose Dolphins Use "Baby Talk"With Their Calves has 3 reviews and 0 ratings. Reviewer coolismyjam wrote: "I wrote this on the day it was made. I am gonna present tomorrow."