beach anymore. no view from a jail cell, and while he waited in custody, detective keith mason went over to see the d.a. where he described his case, and waited for the go-ahead to charge bradford with murder for killing his ex-wife. didn t quite work out that way. the head d.a. right away said, do you have the gun? i said, no, we don t have the gun. he said, do you have anybody who could put him at the house at the time of the homicide? i said, no. he says, i don t think we re going to do anything with this case. uh-oh. i was mad. i was upset. i knew we just let a murderer out the door. so bill bradford went home, went back to work at trw, but his children weren t celebrating. in fact they feared their father, and worried they just might be his next victims. i spent a number of months looking over my shoulder