The 'yes sandwich' concept means you do not immediately say an assertive 'no', but sandwich it between two 'yes' so as to calm down your child.
In a TikTok video, a woman named Cari praised a dad she saw in Target for handling his toddler's tantrum because he didn't get what he wanted. The video stresses the importance of helping toddlers regulate their emotions by being patient.
Trending News: A restaurant in the US, Toccoa Riverside Restaurant, has introduced an "adult surcharge" for customers whose children misbehave. The additional penalt
A woman took to Reddit to ask others if she was wrong after she asked a mother on a plane to settle down her rowdy toddler after the child had been jumping and screaming on the seat next to her for over 10 minutes. The mother gave the woman a "dirty look" and told her to mind her own business.