April 1, 2021, 2:22 PM)
Minors are housed at the Donna Department of Homeland Security holding facility, the main detention center for unaccompanied children in the Rio Grande Valley run by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in Donna, Texas, Tuesday, March 30, 2021.
Democrats and Republicans alike have called the conditions at overcrowded U.S. Border Patrol facilities holding migrant youth unacceptable.
On Fox News, Sen. Ted Cruz blamed Democrats for conditions inside the facility in Donna, Texas.
“Many Democrats like to pretend their open border policies are somehow humane,” Cruz said. “There is nothing humane about what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing at the border.”
5 ways to do more pro bono in 2021
Looking Ahead to 2021
The most rewarding work ABA President Patricia Lee Refo has done has been pro bono.
“Big and small, and that is the beauty and the power of the ABA’s pro bono offerings,” she says. “We offer bite-size opportunities like Free Legal Answers that take a small amount of time and make a huge difference in someone’s life. We also offer opportunities that are slightly larger that might be more appropriate for a team of lawyers in a larger firm to undertake together.
“The point is, whatever practice setting you’re in, the ABA offers you an opportunity to serve your community through pro bono work that works for you.”