The coronavirus has changed so many norms and patterns of gathering as family, community, and here in congress. Send out your spirit that those who find themselves at odds with their colleagues might continue the Productive Work that must be done and which does not draw contentious attention, and addresses well the issues which are pressing upon our nation. Lord, have mercy. Continue to bless the men and women who attend to those who are sick, the number continuing to grow throughout our country. Keep our Health Care Professionals safe and inspire those who labor to find treatments and cures for this dangerous virus. May all that is done be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days proceedings is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from california, mr. Takano. Mr. Takano i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for whi
This is half an hour. Social distancing is good. So good afternoon. Months, i believe, and about 10 days since we assed the heros act on the democratic side. That was our position. Its been carefully vetted in caucus and moved through the waysandmeans the ttee and we took position that it was a challenge that we needed to get out immediately. Cares act helped to mitigate circumstances for people in acrossf wage replacement the country. T is clear that the 600 that as added to the weekly unemployment benefit has offered some conflict, but heres the of it. The reality is, you cant quit get an extra 600 a week. Secondly, knowing that the andemic with 30 million americans having filed for Unemployment Insurance, that the of the Healthcare System would make its way into the contagion of the economic ystem and people would have trouble paying their rents and mortgages, thats what this was about and the wage replacement along with the extra 600 as gone a long way toward meliorating some of th
Mr. Neal good afternoon. Its been two months, i believe, and 10 days since we passed the heroes act on the democratic side. That was our position. It had been carefully vetted in the Democratic Caucus and moved through the ways and means committee. Caucus and moved through the waysandmeans the ttee and we took position that it was a challenge that we needed to get out immediately. Cares act helped to mitigate circumstances for people in acrossf wage replacement the country. T is clear that the 600 that as added to the weekly unemployment benefit has offered some conflict, but heres the of it. The reality is, you cant quit get an extra 600 a week. Secondly, knowing that the andemic with 30 million americans having filed for Unemployment Insurance, that the of the Healthcare System would make its way into the contagion of the economic ystem and people would have trouble paying their rents and mortgages, thats what this was about and the wage replacement along with the extra 600 as gone a
Conference to argue for passage of more economic aid due to the coronavirus pandemic. This is half an hour. Social distancing is good. So good afternoon. Its been two social distancing, that would be good. So good afternoon. Its been two months, i believe, and about 10 days since we passed the heros act on the democratic side. That was our position. Its been carefully vetted in the Democratic Caucus and moved through the waysandmeans committee and we took the position that it was a challenge that we needed to get out immediately. Cares act helped to mitigate circumstances for people in acrossf wage replacement the country. T is clear that the 600 that as added to the weekly unemployment benefit has offered some conflict, but heres the of it. The reality is, you cant quit get an extra 600 a week. Secondly, knowing that the andemic with 30 million americans having filed for Unemployment Insurance, that the of the Healthcare System would make its way into the contagion of the economic yst
From detroit down to l. A. ,n and new york to where there is pride in every american heart and it is time we that i am proud to be an american where at least i know i am free. And i will not forget the men who died to give that right to me. Next to yound up and defend her still today because there aint no doubt i love this land. Od bless the usa americanproud to be an , where at least i know i am free. And i will not forget the men who died who gave that right to me. Up next toy stand you and defend her still today because there aint no doubt i love this land. Usa. S the [applause] [applause] you. Trump thank so we begin. Thank you, oklahoma. Thank you to Vice President mike pence. Campaign. Ur [applause] we begin our campaign. I want to thank all of you. You are warriors. Ive been watching the fake news for weeks now. Everything is negative. Come, dont do anything. Today it was like ive never seen anything like it. You are warriors, thank you. We have some very bad people outside. The