History of reproductive rights and justice starting from the 19th century to the present. Its also something thats in some ways very hard to lecture about now because its i as as professor lawson said in one of the main historians of this stuff, and im also living through it with all of you. So its a strange time to be discussing this as■z history whn its also very much real life. So i think now often when we think of reproductive rights and we think of them in the context of criminalization and criminal laws, but thats a relatively recent phenomenon. So if you go back far enough and theres a dispute about this that was reflected by the supreme in the Supreme Courts decision in 2022 in dobbs versus jackson, Womens Health organization, the majority led by Justice Samuel alito suggested that in the United States to some degree, another abortion had always been a crime. Any point in pregnancy, he might have said or might have believed something similar about contraception. But the reali
So this is obviously more material than i can cover in an. So this is a snapshot of the history of reproductive rights and justice starting from the 19th century to the present. Its also something thats in some ways very hard to lecture about now because its i as as professor lawson said in one of the main historians of this stuff, and im also living through it with all of you. So its a strange time to be discussing this as history when its also very much real life. So i think now often when we think of reproductive rights and we think of them in the context of criminalization and criminal laws, but thats a relatively recent phenomenon. So if you go back far enough and theres a dispute about this that was reflected by the supreme in thes decision in 2022 in dobbs versus jackson, Womens Health organization, the majority led by Justice Samuel alito suggested that in the United States to some degree, another abortion had always been a crime. Any point in pregnancy, he might have said or m
19th century to the present. Its also som hard to lecture about now because its i as as professor lawson said in one of the main historians of this stuff, and im also living through it with all of you. So its a strange time to be discussing this as history when its also very much real life. So i think now often when we think ofro and we think of them in the context of criminalization and criminal laws, but thats a relatively recent phenomenon. So if you go back far enough and theres a spute about this that was reflected by the supreme in the Supreme Courts decision in 2022 in dobbs versus jackson, Womens Health organization, the majority led by Justice Samuel alito suggested that in the United States to some degree, another abortion had always been a■u crime. Any point in pregnancy, he might have said or might have believed something similar about contraception. But the reality was that for much of United States history, either passing or implementing criminal laws regarding reproduc
DICKSON CITY — Registered nurse Karen Marsh has worked at Regional Hospital of Scranton for more than 30 years, cares about her colleagues and is proud of the work they
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