Badan Capek, Anak Merengek, Ayah Muda di Banyuasin Gelap Mata, Bayi 6 Bulan Jadi Pelampiasan
Puncaknya pada saat Rasyid di hari kejadian, Rasyid mengaku capek, namun ia tak bisa beristirahat karena korban rewel.
Rabu, 7 Juli 2021 08:17 Editor:
Rasyid pelaku penganiayaan terhadap bayi berusia 6 bulan di Kabupaten Banyuasin saat diperiksa oleh PPA Reskrim Polres Banyuasin, Rabu (7/7/2021)
SRIPOKU.COM, BANYUASIN - Teganya pasangan suami istri di Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel), menganiaya bayi berusia 6 bulan.
Korban M baru lima bulan diadopsi oleh keluarga Rasyid (28) dan istrinya.
Saat M berusia 6 bulan, korban sering nangis dan rewel.
M rewel setelah mereka menempati rumah baru mereka.
a crazy crash onscreen and the worst sound in the world. check out this security video in pennsylvania t car plows right into a 7-eleven employees and the driver and passenger get out like nothing happened. behind the wheel of this car is a 7-year-old boy. he took his stepfather s car to go see his biological dads and the cops pulled him over. mom didn t even realize he was gone. how do you make a 100-foot long sushi roll? 100 chefs in hong kong took part in this demonstration to show that sushi is safe to eat after fears of nuclear radiation in japan. what s life s most d distracting sound, one guess, a child whining. people try to perform math problems while listening to different sounds. it wasn t the sound of her