kills at least three. a little scary. norah: and parts of florida underwater after torrential rain. jurors have reached a guilty verdict in the synagogue shooting trial. i am feeling a sense of relief. the shooter is being held accountable for those awful acts. norah: attorney general merrick garland releases a scatt on the minneapolis police department following the death of george floyd. it is patterns and practices, investigation found the police department has a history of using excessive force and violating citizens and civil rights. norah: ups union workers got into strike. what it could mean for your packages. hundreds of thousands of ups union workers could walk off the job, making it the largest strike in u.s. history. norah: the whistle-blower who beat the pentagon papers exposing secrets about the vietnam war dies. tonight, a look at daniel ellsberg s legacy. at gm s milford proving ground outside detroit, the screens replace
it had been circulated for years, even posted on a scam reporting website. i read into her story and it felt like somethingng i couldn t ignore. reporter: soo you belieieved somebobody again?? i i did a lotot of work k tod of getet to the bottotom of it. repeporter: tururns outut, te ststory is true.e. chikikaordery hahad a botched surgery y as a child t that lefr with interermittent bubut excruciaiating pain. hi, c chikaorderyry. r reporter: so, a a cououple months agogo. i it s m me, mr. b ben. repeporter: benended as s hed done befefore. how arere you? reporteter: flew toto see the womaman who hadad written h hers a scammer and shohowed her t the bobook that wouldld pay f for hr operatioion. > here is t the book ththat u wrote. itit s a lot of fun to see peope be the hero of their own s stor. hi, chikaordery. you look like someonene who just gogot out of surgeryry. > mr. ben.. r reporter: twice now ben taylor has gone halfway around the world to help a strang
A Kansas county plans to spend up to $1.7 million on technology to help search decades of files connected to a former police detective accused of abusing Black woman and girls