guardian. ., ,, , ., , , guardian. hello. study after study has shown that guardian. hello. study after study has shown that child guardian. hello. study after study has shown that child poverty - guardian. hello. study after study has shown that child poverty is . guardian. hello. study after study has shown that child poverty is a i has shown that child poverty is a massive has shown that child poverty is a massive determinant in education and social massive determinant in education and social outcomes in young people. when social outcomes in young people. when labour came into power in 1987, that was when labour came into power in 1987, that was the when labour came into power in 1987, that was the defining mission. we have now that was the defining mission. we have now reached the end of your five missions, and poverty, in particular. five missions, and poverty, in particular, child poverty is but has a notice particular, child poverty is but has a notice because n