there is no phone records. no one s ever seen the together there is no text messages. there s no smoke signals there s nothing between davi camm and charles boney i david s second, trial boney was named the second man at the scene, also charge of the triple murders otherwise, the case agains camm was pretty much the same, absent the female witnesses th peoples court had thrown out this time, the state focused o the allegation that davi molested his five-year-old daughter and the motive for th murders. well, the motive was that kimberly was leaving for david cam. she was leaving him because of the child molesting. and he could not let her leave could not let that secret. out that was the secret of the camm household the defense countered brought in experts to show there is no solid evidence the girl had even been molested. the state s theory of why david murdered his family wa purely made up it was just pure speculation dave it camm had never been