The House Appropriations Committee today released the draft fiscal year 2023 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies funding bill, which will be considered in subcommittee tomorrow. The legislation funds agencies and programs in the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Education.
Building on Secretary Becerra’s National Tour to Strengthen Mental Health, HRSA, CMS, SAMHSA, CDC, ACF, and ACL commit to working with states, tribes, and
Two lawmakers from Iowa have a proposal they hope will reduce the rate of stillbirths. They’re cosponsoring legislation that adds language to maternal health grants to include stillbirth prevention.
Gov. Brian Kemp proposed a 2022 budget of $3.48 billion in state general funds for the Department of Community Health. General funds for the agency increased by $430 million from the 2021 fiscal year, mostly to offset the expected loss of federal Medicaid matching funds and account for growth in Medicaid expenses.