child brides and have reported that, some of these people don t have paper, it s a troubling predicament that we are in right now in juxtaposition with the anniversary of 9/11. what a travesty, what a mess president joe biden has made. emily: i hope we can look forward to some semblance of justice for all those who lost their lives and the 9/11 attacks 20 years ago. up next, a bogus story on covid hospitalization is now gaining traction in the mainstream media. an backlash after news sources have not taken down the story. uh, i-i m actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered
states and no vetting over american citizens. 100 afghan evacuees are being investigated for possible ties to terrorism. the world watches as biden according to reports flies afghan men with child brides, pedophilia or human trafficking where i come from into wisconsin where they are abandoned, strand and left as hostages. joe biden has given a terrorist organization their own nation. not only that, we armed them to accomplish their mission. as he tries to sell us lie after lie, the american people are seeing right through it. 51% aren t buying it. his approval rating continues to go down. and 60% disapprove of his handling of afghanistan.
security you have when you operate at night, you understand you have the full advantage and most, if they have it, to and learn to use it effectively, it levels the playing field, scary. dan: check out this video, this is ridiculous. his a report about the new credit biden doctrine, check this out. biden doctrine includes the idea of soft power using diplomatic tools using things like economic tools and conditioning foreign aid is a way to promote human rights and democracy across the world. dan: a reporter on tv talking about soft power, peace. these are terrorists, medieval savages. they do child brides. you think they are going to sit around a campfire and want to do by lapse? is this a joke.
through on parole authority if someone wants to leave a base, fort mccoy, if you have the parole authority you can leave at anytime. rachel: senator ted cruz has been raising alarms about this, some of these afghani young girls have come over are child brides. some are married on the way to the airport, on the way by men trying to get in. this is really some troubling stuff. i want you to take a listen to general mark milley. he was interviewed by fox s jen griffin and pressed on this concern. let s see what he had to say. reporter: are you comfortable enough vet something being done before the evacuees are brought to the u.s.? if the individual, if the evacuee has some sort of derogatory information, something suspect at all, it will pop up as red or yellow. they have popped up about 30,000 or so people through here, the processed about 30,000 people through here and they have had i think, i think they said a