no. and for i ll lay that out on two levels. like on the religious level, the church can t teach something contrary to its own moral or doing mattic teaching previously it can change all sorts of little things. but the moral law and doctrine dogma doesn t change, to change its teaching on marriage would be to say that the church isn t the church any more. by definition. particularly because the doctrinal foundation for this is that marriage is fundamentally pro creative in its essence and sanctified as part of the pro creative endeavor. if people want to read this, just google theology of the body. and there s all sorts of interesting information, it s why we don t believe in gay marriage or invitro fertilization or lots of other things that separate sex from potential child-bearing. i gather there are aspects of catholic doctrine that have been
offset the cost by cutting the health care prevention funding. the republicans only grudgingly voted to extend the low rates and funding the preventative health care that s true. you can agree with them or not. but they re cutting prevention funding for everyone no just women. those are facts. we have reported on this before. but it didn t stop the group from taking out this full page ad in politico. republicans must think we re student. the republicans will only keep rates low if they cut funding for women s health. i closes with a call to keep stafford loan rates low. keeping them honest though, it doesn t. what the house bill does do is zero out a billion dollar portion of new health care law devoted to preventative medicine. money for smoking prevention, nutrition programs, hospital infection control, immunization, money to hire new doctors. but nothing in the fund for mammograms or pap smears or specific women s health issues with the exception of $7 million f
student loan rates low by cutting the health care prevention funding. the republicans only grudgingly voted to extend the low rates and funding the preventative health care that s true. you can agree with them or not. that s not what i m arguing. but they re cutting prevention funding for everyone not just women. those are facts. we ve reported on this before. but it didn t stop the group from taking out this full page ad in politico. republicans must think we re stupid, is how it s titled. the republicans will only keep rates low if they cut funding for women s health, it says. it closes with a call to keep stafford loan rates low and do it in a way that doesn t pit students against women. keeping them honest though, it doesn t. what the house bill does do is zero out a billion dollar portion of new health care law devoted to preventative medicine. money for smoking prevention, hiv screening, nutrition programs, hospital infection control, immunization, money to h
the republicans only grudgingly voted to extend the low rates and funding the preventative health care that s true. you can agree with them or not. but they re cutting prevention funding for everyone no just women. those are facts. we have reported on this before. but it didn t stop the group from taking out this full page ad in politico. republicans must think we re student. the republicans will only keep rates low if they cut funding for women s health. i closes with a call to keep stafford loan rates low. keeping them honest though, it doesn t. what the house bill does do is zero out a billion dollar portion of new health care law devoted to preventative medicine. money for smoking prevention, nutrition programs, hospital infection control, immunization, money to hire new doctors. but nothing in the fund for mammograms or pap smears or specific women s health issues with the exception of $7 million for breast-feeding. now the obama administration wants to includ
president obama a very big opening politically. now is not the time to double your interest rates on student loans. michelle and i, we ve been in your shoes. we only finished paying off our student loans about eight years ago. americans now owe more on their student loans than they do on their credit cards. student loans. student loans. student loans. let s give those student loans directly to students. can i get an amen? amen! that as a campaign drum beat, mitt romney quickly said he fully supports extending the loan program and house republicans got on board. but the bill they passed today is paid for by eliminating preventative care funding in the health care reform act. house democrats wanted to tax oil companies. that s how they wanted to pay for it. some members, minority leader nancy pelosi and others, also calling the gop funding plan another attack on women. what the majority would do today with taking the funds here instead of taking it from special interest