Senate Finance Committee
Senator Chuck Hufstetler (R-Rome) led his Committee this afternoon with a hearing on SB 1, a bill authored by Senator Dean Burke (R-Bainbridge) which amends Title 31 to require that entities, that receive state income tax credits and provide self-funded, employer sponsored health insurance not subject to the regulatory authority of the Commissioner of Insurance, must report insurance claims information to the Georgia All-Payer Claims Database. The legislation further requires compliance with the reporting requirement beginning January 1, 2022, as a condition to continued receipt of any such tax credits.
The Committee held a hearing only discussion today on the legislation. Senator Burke explained the legislation on the All-Payer Claims Database initiative which has been adopted in 34 states. The goals are to provide transparency and predictability to improve outcomes and access to healthcare. The claims completed by providers for patients would be translate
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Lawmakers returned to the Capitol despite the downpour of rain and quickly got down to work for the people of Georgia. The first task tackled was the House Appropriations Committee taking action on its complete recommendations for the FY 2021 Amended Budget. After hearing the presentation of the recommendations by Chairman Terry England (R-Auburn) which he acknowledged had been on a “harried pace”, and swiftly moving the legislation forward out of the Committee, the Chairman announced that HB 80 would be on the floor of the House on Thursday morning. Our team will keep you posted as the budget makes its way through the process. The Committee Substitute on HB 80 is found in this link. The Committee Tracking Report is in this link, showing differences between the Governor and House versions of the proposed FY 2021 Amended Budget.