City of Malden
Fire Chief William Sullivan, Fire Commissioner Emery Haskell and a contingent of Malden firefighters welcomed Mayor Gary Christenson, members of the State Legislative Delegation, City Council, fire chiefs from neighboring departments and residents to dedicate a plaque in honor of James G. Fagan, who died in the line of duty in 1868.
The event took place at the corner of High and Ferry streets, the very place where a horrific fire burned that caused the death of Firefighter Fagen.
Born on April 8, 1844, to Irish Immigrants, the Fagan family lived at 19 Irving St. Fagan joined the Malden Fire Department as a member of the Wannalancet Steam Fire Engine No. 1. The “Wannalancet” was quartered in a small wood frame, one bay fire station located on Pleasant Street, in Malden Square where the Dowling Building currently stands.