In an exclusive conversation with Outlook, actor Sandesh Kulkarni, who was last seen in ‘Mumbai Diaries 26/11’, talks about his struggling days as an actor, his process while preparing for a role and his experience on working with the late Raj Kaushal on ‘Akkad Bakkad’.
more about what took place inside that building? also, was it possible that video cameras may have captured this horrible massacre? what are you learning? well, our chief surveillance has done a great job of updating and keeping the public informed and i m sure that more information will come out soon in the next hour. but what i ve learned and what i saw and understand and those and in our finest hours is the brave men and women who didn t give second thought and charged into the building, who confronted this gunman and saved many lives and in the aftermath what i see now is communities coming together. we have hundreds of vigils that happening all over the city today. there is an outpour of help from our local and sister cities here in hampton roads and i m seeing the strength of virginia beach and that is us coming together. and your strength as well. i do know that you served in the nfl or you played in the nfl. you re a tough guy. but within the last 24 hours, 22