In what can only be described as an industry-changing purchase, Microsoft has agreed to buy Activision Blizzard for a staggering sum. For its part, Sony thinks Microsoft will keep Activation Blizzard as multiplatform releases, at least until the contracts expire.
PlayStation5 DualSense May Have Advanced Features In Xbox Series X, Series S Controllers
PlayStation5 DualSense May Have Advanced Features In Xbox Series X, Series S Controllers
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NEW DELHI The latest edition of the Xbox Series X, Series S controllers might be built with PS5 DualSense’ advanced features via a software update, as per media reports.
Currently, both the gaming consoles, the
PlayStation5 and Xbox Series X/S console, have different takes on how Microsoft and Sony want their consumers to experience their controller. Sony undoubtedly has proven itself as the best in the field after reinventing its new controller.