avoid. house democrats made clear that his failure to comply with their demands for information could form the basis for its own article of impeachment. and that is where we start today with some of our favorite reporters and friends. white house reporter for the ap jonathan lamire, denise jordan and democratic strategist and chris lu,, deputy of chief oversight committee during impeachment. jonathan, i feel like everyone is wrestling today with what is the bigger crises. the fact that people are already dying because donald trump took an unstaffed phone call from erdogan sunday night and made a deal with the turks and the closest allies on the region are already dying or that he s obstructing his own impeachment guaranteeing an appeal.
million that congress authorized, buzz hewas held up. have you gotten a response to your letter? we have not yet. i sent that letter in my capacity as ranking member of homeland security and government affairs. we are basically the chief oversight committee for the united states senate omb. and these are very important questions. and we have to get the answers. i know how important that aid is to ukraine and to their sovereignty and to push back against the consistent russian aggression against that country, i ve been to ukraine in my capacity as a member of the armed services committee. met with ukrainian officials, military officials. and they absolutely have to have assistance from the united states. this is a significant issue for the ukrainianukrainians. they were waiting for that aid and all of a sudden it was blocked. so we need to find out exactly what happened. who ordered that and what were
mueller s reputation is and i believe he s still that way. he thinks leaks are just, the crime of century. you re fortifying my point. i have a problem with people around mueller in the past who have been a part of this thing. even with chris ray who dissembled and avoided questioning and stone walled congress on the senate side. you saw he was dancing around and trying not to answer questions saying he didn t think he could be a fisa warrant to discuss it with them even though they were the chief oversight committee. he s respecting the protocols of that particular procedure. this has been stone walling. why would christopher ray have any inside to stone wall when he was put there as a cleansing agent?
in the white house? you know, if i could write that bill today do it. excuse me. it would be a dream come true. the gop s outrage over benghazi, the irs and obama care, has reached fervor pitch. representative kerry bentivolio seen there is the latest in a recent space of republican congress members calling for the impeachment for the president of the united states. but bentivolio for 19 years before being elected to congress owned a santa claus impersonation business, that s part of that, isn t the only one calling for president obama s removal from the office. here is the senior republican on the chief oversight committee of the the head of the house oversight committee the chief oversight committee of the senate, just trying, it s monday, tom coburn, let s take a listen. what you have to do is you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the