Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Friday inaugurated the three-day “Child Artist Exhibition” at Audrey House. On the occasion, Chief Minister observed the artefacts including paintings made on the theme of “Earning for Learning” by the children of various schools including Kasturba Gandhi
Chief Minister Hemant Soren today reviewed the status of hospitals run by the Chief Minister Critical Illness Treatment Scheme, Ayushman Bharat Scheme, Employees State Insurance Corporation and the updated work progress of 108 ambulance service in the Jharkhand Ministry. On this occasion, he gave
The government has special emphasis on improving the road transport and traffic system in rural and remote tribal areas of the state. In this context, Chief Minister Gram Gaadi Yojana is to be started to connect rural areas with block, sub-division and district headquarters, so that people living
The process of large-scale appointments is going on in the state. Appointments have been made in many departments and the recruitment process is going on for many posts. This trend will continue further also. In this connection, appointment letters are being distributed among you today. It is
Chief Minister Hemant Soren today said that sports is an important part of the priorities of our government. Jharkhand emerged as a strong force in sports. To ensure that the players here achieve a different position at the national and international level, they are strengthening the systems and