The Killeen Police Department has released narrated footage of a January 10 encounter between and officer and a man in mental distress that ended with the latter losing his life.
On January 10, 2021, 5-year KPD veteran Officer Reynaldo Contreras was dispatched to the home of 52-year-old Patrick Warren Sr. around 5:40 PM.
Police say someone at the home in the 1600 block of Carrollton Avenue in Killeen had called 9-1-1 and requested a mental health deputy, but one was not available so Officer Contreras and another Killeen PD officer were dispatched since the call came from within city limits.
At a news conference Tuesday, KPD Chief Charles Kimble said the day s snowfall may have caused the other responding officer to run behind. Contreras arrived at the home first and knocked on the door of the home, after which he was told the door was open and invited inside.