Acushnet Fire Chief Kevin Gallagher feels that his town's COVID-19 testing is one of the lone sites left on the SouthCoast, and it's overwhelming the town.
Acushnet Fire Chief Kevin Gallagher feels that his town's COVID-19 testing is one of the lone sites left on the SouthCoast, and it's overwhelming the town.
ACUSHNET Town government is working to keep things as normal as possible right now, while at the same time working to keep residents and employees safe.
Selectmen announced that through Jan. 11, Town Hall is back to its remote action plan for handling services. Each department office will only have one employee present during the day, with other staff working from home.
All in-person services are by appointment only during this period. Residents can still bring bills to the drop-off box located up the ramp of the town hall building.
At the Dec. 9 Selectmen meeting Town Administrator Julie Hebert announced two recent cases of town employees contracting the virus, which led to 6 additional employees needing to be quarantined due to close proximity.