BERNARDSTON The Bernardston Fire and Police departments are lobbying to purchase repeaters to address safety concerns resulting from first responders having limited radio operability in town. According to Fire Chief Peter Shedd, without repeaters .
NORTHFIELD Like a well-oiled machine, Northfield Elementary School students enthusiastically passed along cans, pasta and other non-perishable items, as they continued the school’s longstanding annual tradition of organizing a food drive to support.
NORTHFIELD The Selectboard voted unanimously this week to appoint Chad Sumner as the town’s newest full-time police officer, contingent upon a complete background check.Sumner, who has been a full-time officer in Greenfield for 17 years, will start.
NORTHFIELD The town’s Emergency Services Facility Committee will recommend that the Selectboard enter a contract with Chicopee-based architectural firm Caolo & Bieniek Associates Inc. to design a new public safety complex.Although the process of.