Harald is a former international Airbus Executive with more than 30 years’ experience in the aviation industry and a strong background in operational safety.
according to the new york times, the authorities we don t know what they found. the new york times is reporting today that a person who retrieved air traffic communications says that minutes into the flight to the captain requested permission to return to the airport in a panicky voice shortly after takeoff. sing to the controllers, brake, request back home, request director for landing. they are also reporting the plane was observed drastically dipping up and down. as we all know, minutes into that flight, it crashed killing all 157 aboard. ethiopian airlines posting to twitter that their chief accident investigator is there along with teams from our ntsb and the faa. they ve been looking at it all day in paris. we haven t gotten any word on what they found or anything more about the crash site being secured or unsecured. here are the airport by the way the national airport effects have been minimal.
today for its ninth mission. the area investigators are pinning their best hopes on is almost searched with less than a third still to go. it s a roughly six-mile radius search zone considered the most promising because pings possibly from the black boxes were detected near there as well as a final satellite handshake with the plane. if nothing is found soon, the australians said they ll re-evaluate if they re using the right tools, made the right calculations and are searching the right area. consider bringing in other underwater search equipment. if nothing is found in the next few days. reporter: that s because in the next few days, this targeted area is expected to be completely covered by the bluefin. last week, investigators announced the surface search would be over by now. despite a tropical cyclone like a hurricane north of the search area and no sign of debris, it continues. planes and ships scanned more than 19,000 square miles today. u.s. chief accident investigator
search area and still no sign of debris, it continues. planes and ships scanned more than 19,000 square miles today. the u.s. chief accident investigator says lessons are being learned in the search for the missing plane. water recoveries are notoriously difficult and very expensive and time consuming and so we continue to work on better recorder ta recorder technology and information coming technical briefing is being scheduled. we don t know at this point whether they are alive or dead. but you haven t given us any direct truth of where they actually are. we want our loved ones back. reporter: investigators warn this search could go on for a long time. at the outset, before we had