The Towanda Area School District will be holding kindergarten and pre-k registration for all children entering school for the first time in the fall of 2024 on Monday, March 18
There is now a vaccine for Malaria and the world’s first “routine” implementation of the vaccination began in the African nation of Cameroon. Malaria is one of those deadly diseases seen in the movies that seem to only affect people in exotic places like the Far East. The idea of a vaccination seemed a fantasy. […]
don t give in to death. one child who did survive the journey was renate collins, who was put onto a train for london. that s me, innocent little five year old. this actually is a legal visa. a lot of the children came with visas without the perforations there. that was ripped off a sheet. some came with illegal ones with no perforations. and if you notice, they ve got the swastika on the back. oh. the germans wanted us to go, look. wow. i had a temperature of 104 and chicken pox, and my mother didn t want to put me on the train. and our doctor said, if you don t put her on this train, she ll never go.
franklin man s search for meaning inspired people to survive. don t give in to death. one child who did survive the journey was renate collins, who was put onto a train for london. that s me, innocent little five year old. this actually is a legal visa. a lot of the children came with visas without the perforations there. that was ripped off a sheet. some came with illegal ones with no perforations. and if you notice, they ve got the swastika on the back. 0h. the germans wanted us to go, look. wow. i had a temperature of 104 and chicken pox, and my mother didn t want to put me on the train.