the investigator with the grady county attorney s office. he was close by in oklahoma, he spotted these two men, noticed their clothes, dirty, wet, and he followed them into a convenience store. that is when he also called chickasha police, they arrived, they chased the men and eventually caught them. but again, there is concern about these other two men and where they could be. are there any leads on where these other two inmates may be? they re obviously still on the run. reporter: right, you know, we talked to attorneys about that. given the first two were in chikasha, it could be that the other two, the final two still could be in that same area. keep in mind they are considered dangerous men, very dangerous men out there but investigators are doing their best, obviously, to search the area to find them and bring them back to where they escaped. if they find them, let us know, george. thank you very much, george howell. on the scene, there is much more