Concord/Penacook ■Peggo Hortsmann Hodes will lead her final concert as director of the Songweavers Women’s Chorus on Saturday at 5 p.m., when the group presents Seasons of Love at the South Congregational Church. Tickets can be purchased via credit.
Chichester lightning rod Jason Weir has sparked controversy over residency and mask-wearing
Selectman Jason Weir and girlfriend Allie McIntosh GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff
Published: 5/13/2021 4:36:10 PM
On Election Day in Chichester on Tuesday, Town Moderator Ewen MacKinnon had a question for Select Board member Jason Weir.
Before Weir even got close to a voting booth a prickly relationship between an outspoken board member and several in town who say they’re tired of his grandstanding had already been laid bare. Last month, Weir’s refusal to wear a mask forced the postponement of a Select Board meeting.
This week, after Weir entered Chichester Central School to vote, MacKinnon wanted to know where Weir lived. Really lived. His pending divorce and subsequent move to Loudon were well known in town. Did Weir realize a Loudon home address would nullify his vote in Chichester? And disqualify him from the Select Board?
In Chichester, a selectman’s refusal to wear a mask spurs debate over what is ‘right’
Tom Houle, seen here in March 2020, said he was a friend of Jason Weir’s, but disagreed with him over mask-wearing. GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor file
GEOFF FORESTER Monitor staff
Published: 4/22/2021 3:56:25 PM
At a Chichester Select Board meeting last week, longtime resident Tom Houle sought to tear down a former ally’s soapbox.
Via Zoom, Houle, in an understated yet pointed manner, told Selectmen Jason Weir that his refusal to wear a mask at the Select Board meeting on April 6, which forced a week’s postponement, was selfish.