Take 3 steps back and discern what really matters Sean Hannity the most important thing that we do we are looking out for the forgotten men and women in this country . They re going to get a straight shooter no holds barred I m not going to cut people slack Fox is the one place for dissent is allowed we have voices we won t be silent controls my voice nobody wants news channel real news real honest opinion President Trump uses a speech in Ohio wins day to take another swipe at the late Senator John McCain that s drawing criticism from some lawmakers including some Republicans Johnny Isaacson is the chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and he says the family of John McCain deserves better you may not like immigration you may not like this you may not like that maybe a Republican may not be a Democrat we re all Americans there are or are Democratic candidates in Republican county chatted on the battlefield there are American casualties and we should never reduce the service
With some friends of mine last night there s a Denver story about the Democrats taking the g.o.p. Leaders on they want them because they were making jokes. People were making jokes about this and apparently some Republicans were saying things like that he didn t you know he didn t touch the base and playing Little League or that he cheated some game when he was a little boy and there s another one floating around as a picture of Ruth Ginsburg and it she underneath that it says something like in 1964 Abraham Lincoln grabbed my ass I ve seen that and it s funny to me it s funny I have that gallows humor and but the Democrats are now telling the all the Republican legislators in Colorado they have to take harassment training now because they made jokes the politically correct are without a doubt the most unfunny which finding it is it is it will just go on and as long as the Republican party rolls over like they do they will all they are probably gonna give you re going to straight no an
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